No Kumbaya

Martin Perlmutter
3 min readJan 25, 2021

This time, no more Mr. (Jackass) Nice Guy.

No apologetic accommodation, my kind Democrat and progressive friends.

No polite request that the other side be conciliatory and “reasonable.”

The Repuglikkkan seditionists — two thirds of their Congressional caucus voted to REBEL against the results of a free and fair election — don’t merit anything, but censure, trials and removal from office. All of ‘em.

Some we’ll take out in the ’22 midterms. Others are untouchable for now. But all of them dealt unfaithfully with their country, violating the Constitution and their oaths. None should be forgiven.

There must be no pussyfooting in dealing with these people, who only value power and money — with no consideration for their fellow citizens, the public interest or the future of the planet. A pox upon them!

So in ALL legislative and administrative dealings, ignore their bleating and the agitprop from their media megaphones. Ignore, and proceed.

Do any and all funding legislation through reconciliation.

Sure, consider eliminating the filibuster and do it if you can. But just run these bastards over — exactly as they would you. And unlike you, they wouldn’t pause for a moment to ponder the damage done.

We earned the right to rule with four years of unutterable misery and abuse at the hands of a fiend and his enablers. There is no recovery of goodwill from that. None of that will EVER be forgiven. It will in time be proven that the fiend was in the pay and the thrall of a hostile foreign power. These people who pretend to patriotism sold us out over and over to the Russians. And then broadcast damnable lies about their intentions.

Things are such a mess that the correct order of revelations cannot be followed. We should do deep investigation (and proof) of Drumph’s utter and complete compromise by the Russkies. Then try him and dispose of him forever. Sadly, we’ll be in the impeachment trial before we have all the goods that would shame his compurgators into silence and cooperation with real patriots. We have to inoculate our population and fast. And we need to rescue our economy. This will fill our days for coming months.

But when the smoke clears, and the vaccine race is run, there can NEVER be acceptance of the Repuglikkkan traitors or the devil they protected for four years. And to what end did they betray their all? A few judges…some tax breaks for the rich…? To trade one’s soul for the whole world is folly. But for some extra billions in corporate coffers? We will recover that money anyway and we will enlarge the judiciary and dilute the impact of Federalist Society judges now in place.

First, we must steel our compassionate spines and foreswear mercy or any pretense of “unity.” Get the facts. Shut down the propaganda outlets by re-imposing the Fairness Doctrine. Then Sean Hannity’s vomitus becomes a violation of Federal regulation and his enablers at Fox will lose their broadcast licenses.

Play the game like you aim to win it.

Because, you — we — have won it. Against the odds. With the help of a majority. Let’s re-establish Majority Rule, shall we?

Begin by requiring that those other people abide by it and by the legislation and regulations that result.

Kumbaya, my ass.



Martin Perlmutter

Interactive video and immersive technology pioneer, activist and social justice warrior. Teacher, writer, producer and painter.